Protection of the environment in which we live and operate is part of Knight’s Recruitment Ltd’s values and
principles and we consider it to be sound business practice.
Our objection is to reduce our individual carbon foot prints by carrying out a number of simple checks and by
utilising environmentally friendly products and services.
Care for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and an important part of the way in which we do
business. Our people are encouraged to recycle through local means, and to save energy both at work and in their
In this policy statement we commit our company to:
√Complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and approved codes of practice.
√ Protecting the environment by striving to prevent and minimise our contribution to pollution of land,
air, and water; For Example we try where necessary to minimise car travel to and from work and
between customer sites by utilising public transport and also 85 % of our staff live within walking
distance of the office.
√ Smoking is banned in all areas of our business.
√ All offices have at least one green plant per desk.
√ Seeking to keep wastage to a minimum and maximise the efficient use of materials and resources; we
utilise Computer screens, online timesheets and e-fax to minimise the use of paper.
√ All CVs are emailed to clients to reduce use of fax machines and paper.
√ Managing and disposing of all waste in a responsible manner; we dispose of waste paper, card,
shredded documentation, tin, plastic and glass via the two companies ‘Shred It’ & ‘Bakers Waste’.
√ We utilise eco –friendly cleaning products for the office.
√ The paper we use is recycled paper from Viking Direct.
√ We replace all of our printer toners and ink jet cartridges with recycled cartridges.
√ We utilise recycled stationary, pens, scissors etc.
√ Old computer hardware and peripherals are disposed off through a professional hardware disposal
√ We ensure all electrical products are switched off every evening, and non essential items are switched
off during the day, including lighting, printers, mobile chargers etc.
√ Providing training for our staff so that we all work in accordance with this policy and within an
environmentally aware culture.
√ Regularly communicating our environmental performance to our employees and other significant
√ Developing our management processes to ensure that environmental factors are considered during
planning and implementation.
√ Monitoring and continuously improving our environmental performance.
The policy statement is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The management team endorses these
policy statements and is fully committed to their implementation.